
Skill Build
1 – Protective Charm
2 – Inner Light
3 – Inner Light
4 – Righteous Strike
5 -Inner Light
6 – Sol’s Blessing
7 – Inner Light
8 -Righteous Strike
9 – Righteous Strike
10 – Righteous Strike
11 – Sol’s Blessing
12 – Protective Charm
13 – Protective Charm
14 – Protective Charm
15 – Stats
16 – Sol’s Blessing

Justification / Modifications:
The “pub” build. One level of charm is enough for early game, maxxing it early will actually be counter productive as you can’t heal yourself when charm is on. You can get charm up a bit earlier tho at the cost of Righteous Strike.

Starting Items:
Monkey Courier OR Wards of Sight, Runes of the Blight, Healing Potion, 4x Mana Potion

Ring of Sorcery >> Marchers >> Astrolabe >> Ghost Marchers

You can also get a Guardian Ring to start with if yo u dont have to buy a Monkey or Wards. Ghost Marchers are gotten to rush in and apply the slow. You can get plated greaves if your team needs them.
Also you are responsible for Wards of Sight!

After Core:
– Nome’s Wisdom: I don’t like it on him. Only get it if absolutely needed in your team.
– Tablet of Command: Works well with Jeraziah. *Recommended*
– Puzzlebox: To counterward and for the stats.
– Behemoth’s Heart: If you have nothing else to buy.

Roles: Supporter, Ward Hoe
Prefered Lane: Long
Difficulty: 5 – Very hard
Farming capabilities: 4 – Good
Item dependancy: 3 – Medium
– Early Game / Lane Control: 5 – Very Strong (Incredible heal/nuke)
– Mid Game / Ganks: 3 – Medium
– Late Game / Team Fights: 5 – Very Strong (Best Carry-Supporter and game-changing ult)

– What makes Jeraziah one of the best heroes in the current meta game is his usefulness from the first minute to the last minute of the match. Unlike for other supporters his spells (except for the heal) do not diminish over time. They actually grow in power!
– On the other hand you need perfect timing on both of your lategame skills to make the most of them. This is why Jeraziah is one of the hardest heroes to play.
– You are countered by Electrician’s purge and Nullfire blade. Every decent team will build one to remove your Charm but there is little you can do to prevent this. It also removes Sol’s Blessing.
– If laning versus melee heroes you can use the heal on a creep they are about to last hit for some nice damage.
– Do not understimate your farming power. Once you got the ring you are able to spam the heal for gold.

– Electrician’s and Nullfire Blade’s Purge can remove Jeraziah’s Protective Charm as well as Sol’s Blessing. If a Unit has both charm and blessing on him, one application of purge will remove both (and slow the enemy). You always want someone to make a Nullfire when facing Jera unless you have Elec in your team.
– His Heal is pure damage, it cannot be mitigated by Magic Armor but you can precisely calculate the damage it will do.

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