Wretched Hag

Skill Build

1 – Flash of Darkness
2 – Sonar Scream
3 – Sonar Scream
4 – Haunt
5 – Sonar Scream
6 – Bat Blast
7 – Sonar Scream
8 – Flash of Darkness / Haunt
9 – Flash of Darkness / Haunt
10 – Flash of Darkness / Haunt
11 – Bat Blast
12 – Haunt / Flash
13 – Haunt / Flash
14 – Haunt / Flash
15 – Stats
16 – Bat Blast
17 – Stats+
Justification / Modifications:

Hag’s skill build really depends on what you are comfortable with, and the enemies you’re facing. Many people enjoy getting haunt early, and sometimes maxing Haunt before Flash. However, I’ve found that against most teams, extra ranks of Flash are better than haunt – and rank 1 Haunt lets people deny kills off your ult.
Even the very first point is debatable. If you’re going for rune bloodlust, it’s possible that a super early rank in haunt or scream is good. If you’re against a strong mid, you might want that level 1 rank in sonar scream to grab a last hit you’d otherwise miss. Keep in mind when skilling Hag that your goal is early-mid game dominance, not just merely survival. You NEED those early last hits, you NEED that early gold, and you NEED to hit 7 before the enemy does. Period. If there is one thing you learn from this guide, learn that Hag is all about knocking down the enemy, then kicking them in the nuts.

Starting Items:
1x Runes of the Blight (or 1x Health Potion), 2x Mana Potion, 2x Mark of the Novice, 2x Minor Totem

Bottle >> 2x Talisman of the Exile >> Steam Boots

After Core:
Kuldra’s Sheepstick >> Frostwolf Skull

FS — This truly accentuates her role as a chaser, makes her Haunt slow by a ~LOT~, gives godly amounts of HP, MP, gives good autoattack damage, gives good agility, and so on and so forth. This item also uses a glowstone, which is something I like to get early anyway.
Alternative Items:
– Puzzle Box: If fighting versus invisible Heroes. This item makes Hag into a terrific pusher, but it also adds a load of damage in teamfights.

– Solo mid, baby. A Hag without a solo lane is an underleveled underfarmed shadow of what she could be..
– Starting from level 7 onwards, every time your ult is up, use it to get a kill or two. A pair of level 5s have no chance against a level 7 hag that’s blinking in from the fog with her allies around.
– Hag cannot win a game herself, so it is important to pick your luxury items with this in mind.

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