The Dark Lady

Skill Build

1 – Charging Strikes
2 – Taint Soul
3 -Dark Blades
4 – Charging Strikes
5 – Charging Strikes
6 – Dark Blades
7 – Charging Strikes
8 – Dark Blades
9 – Dark Blades
10 – Cover of Darkness
11 – Taint Soul
12 – Taint Soul
13 -Taint Soul
14 – Cover of Darkness
15 – Stats
16 – Cover of Darkness
17 – Stats+

Justification / Modifications:

This build maxes charging strikes first as early game the other team is going to go trying to gank you and this skill is your escape skill, it’s range increases and cooldown decreases each level while keeping the same mana cost. Dark Blades next to maximize your damage as fast as you can, followed by a point in cover of darkness to help your team out if they need it then maxing taint soul so people can’t get away from you so easily. One point early in Taint soul to creep kill with.

Starting Items:

2x Runes of the Blight, 1x Mana Potion, Logger’s Hatchet/ Iron Buckler, 2x Minor Totem


Power Supply >> Runed Axe >> Steam Boots/Phase Boots >> Iron Shield >> Runed Axe

The Choice of Boots is entirely up to you, I have had success with both.
Steamboots are my preferred as you are a fairly squishy hero, the +10 strength from them is very useful for The Dark Lady. Ghost Marchers offer much better chasing power at the cost of survivability.

Optional Items:
Blood Chalice >> Nullfire Blade

After Core:

Shrunken Head >> Frostburn >> Savage Mace >> Riftshards

You can build Frostburn before Shrunken Head if the enemy team doesn’t have too many disablers/nukers.


Roles: Hard-Carry
Prefered Lane: Short


– As a hard-carry you are going to be spending most of the early game farming in the short lane, bot lane for Legion and top lane for Hellbourne.
– The Dark Lady does quite alot of damage early game with her buffs, but she is very squishy so don’t be over aggressive leading into a death, you are better off sitting back last hitting over risking a death.
– Late game is when The Dark Lady really shines, now you should have Runed axe, boots and at least 1 luxury item. Now is the time to start pushing, get your team together and push the lane, using charging strikes to clear a full creep wave instantly.
– Remember to always watch the map when you are farming, make sure to get supports to buy wards, if they refuse get them yourself! You need to be able to avoid ganks, so wards are necessary, the 200g spent on them is alot less than the gold you will miss out on if you get ganked.

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