
Skill Build
1 – Static Grip
2 – Energy Absorption
3 – Energy Absorption
4 – Electric Shield
5 – Energy Absorption
6 – Cleansing Shock
7 – Energy Absorption
8 – Electric Shield
9 – Static Grip
10 – Static Grip
11 – Cleansing Shock
12 – Static Grip
13 – Electric Shield
14 – Electric Shield
15 – Stats
16 – Cleansing Shock

Justification / Modifications:
This is what I came up with after testing the new Electrician. Energy Absorption is your main nuking and farming ability and is maxed first. Get one early level in Static Grip for obvious reasons. I then level Electric Shield to 2, this allows you to farm whole creep waves and neutral stacks by just standing next to them for a couple of seconds and then hitting Energy Absorption. Level 2 however is enough for that and we max out Grip first.
If the enemies have no notebale buffs/debuffs that you can cleanse, consider delaying Cleansing Shock until you really need it. It is rarely worth it for just the speed boost over his other skills.

Starting Items:
2x Runes of the Blight, 2x Mana Potion, 2x Minor Totem, Mana Battery

Logger’s Hatchet >> Power Supply >> Marchers >> Sacrificial Stone >> Plated Greaves

I recommend Logger’s as you will need quite a bit of farm early game to become effective. Power Supply does a lot for you and should be built (depending on the lane you can delay it). Sacrificial Stone is one of the most effective items on Electrician and you should rush for that even before you upgrade the marchers. Plated Greaves will then give you a LOT of EHP through their high armor.

After Core:
Frostfield Plate >> Barrier Idol >> Behemoth’s Heart

If the enemy team is very magic heavy you can build the Idol before Frostfield. Once you get Frostfield however you will be insanely hard to take down.

Alternative Items:
– Helm of the Black Legion: I do not like this item at all on Electrician, yet I see many people get it. It has no synergy with his abilities and is in general a poor choice for him in my opinion. Do not get this.
– Nullstone: After the buffs to Nullstone you can get it instead of Sac Stone if they have a lot of targeted, annoying abilities.

Roles: Ganker, Roamer, Tank, Semi-Carry
Prefered Lane: Short
Difficulty: 2 – Easy
Farming capabilities: 5 – Excellent
Item dependancy: 4 – Heavy
– Early Game / Lane Control: 4 – Strong
– Mid Game / Ganks: 4 – Strong (Good ganker)
– Late Game / Team Fights: 4 – Strong (A true beast if well farmed)

– Electric Shield + Energy Absorption allows you to farm creep waves very quickly. Use this to get your SacStone asap!
– You can remove a variety of buffs and debuffs with Cleansing Shock. At the start of a match take a couple of second to think about which different spells you are able to cleanse considering your current opponents.
– The most important Buffs/Debuffs to remove include: Protective Charm (Jeraziah), Sol’s Blessing (Jeraziah), Corrupted Conduit (Corrupted Disciple), Poison Spray (Slither), Flaming Hammer (Blacksmith), Ice Imprisonment/Tundra Blast (Glacius), Glacial Blasts (Tempest), Entangle (Demented Shaman), Death Boil/Unholy Shackles/Life Void (Hellbringer), Haunt (Hag), Contagion (Plague Rider), Snot (Armadon), Roots (Keeper), Swarm (Pesti), Rotten Grasp (Deadwood), Brute Strength (Hammerstorm).
Also note that Cleansing Shock will deal 600 damage to Malphas (and other summoned units) at all levels.
– Looking at this list you see that you are an excellent counter to Jereziah, Hellbringer and Hammerstorm. Strongly consider picking Electrician when playing against one of those heroes.

– Ignore him for the most part. Kill everyone of his team mates first .
– If he is roaming, make sure you get wards up.

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