
Skill Build
1 – Lava Surge
2 – Stats
3 – Lava Surge
4 – Steam Bath
5 – Lava Surge
6 – Eruption
7 – Lava Surge
8 – Steam Bath
9 – Steam Bath
10 – Steam Bath
11 – Eruption
12 – Volcanic Touch
13 – Volcanic Touch
14 – Volcanic Touch
15 – Volcanic Touch
16 – Eruption
17 – Stats+

Justification / Modifications:
I like Steam Bath. I think it’s a versatile skill with many uses, so I max it, rather than take one level and ignore it until 23. Lava Surge and Eruption are still taken where possible, but I put off Volcanic Touch until 12 so that I can get that initial level of stats and max Steam Bath by 10. Volcanic Touch is almost useless until level 12, unless you’re laning against melee heroes who want to last hit. Steam Bath goes from versatile to worthless if you’re facing a Pyromancer or Swiftblade. Their AoE’s will mess you up. If you aren’t facing melee, and AoE is a problem, take stats early.

Lane Starting Items:
2x Runes of the Blight, 2x Mana Potion, 2x Minor Totem

And the last gold either get: Monkey / Wards / Mana Battery / Pretender’s Crown

Power Supply >> Bottle >> Portal Key >> Marchers >> Fortified Bracelet

Portal Key is your most needed-item! Try to farm it during the laning-phase as fast as possible. If you’re not able to, get Marchers first and get the Portal Key in the early mid-game with help of Volcainc Touch.

After Core:

Post Haste >> Staff of the Master >> Behemoth’s Heart

Post Haste should be prioritized over Ghost Marchers, due to being able to push/farm lanes quickly and easily with Volcanic Touch. Staff of the Master will improve your ultimate further. Behemoth’s Heart to top Magmus off and make him much more durable.
Roles: Initiator, Ganker
Preferred Lane: Long

You have to hit with your Ultimate in every teamfight!
Lava Surge is your nuke, your disable, and your blink. Never underestimate it’s power or it’s utility. It allows for two auto attacks after the nuke from the stun, since it places you right next to the enemy.
– Steam Bath has several uses, both defensive and offensive. Once cast, Magmus is invisible so long as he doesn’t move or act. Assuming you put 4 levels in it, he also deals 80/sec in an aoe of 450. For some reference, that’s more than the range of Succubus’s auto attack.
– Team fights are where Magmus shines, as all four of his skills are AoE. The key will always be proper execution of Eruption, but Lava Surge, Steam Bath, and even Volcanic Touch have their uses in team fights due to high magic damage dealt in an AoE.

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