
Skill Build
1 – Precision
2 – Webbed Shot
3 – Webbed Shot
4 – Precision / Harden Carapace
5 – Webbed Shot
6 – Spider Sting
7 – Webbed Shot
8 – Precision
9 – Precision
10 – Harden Carapace
11 – Spider Sting
12 – Harden Carapace
13 – Harden Carapace
14 – Harden Carapace
15 – Stats
16 -Spider Sting
17 – Stats+

Justification / Modifications:

If your enemy can give you a debuff early you should consider taking a level of Harden Carapace to remove the debuff. Blacksmith, Armadon, Hellbringer, Deadwood, Pestilence, Predator, Legionaire, Keeper of the Forest, Soulstealer, Dark Lady, Glacius, Electrician, Wretched Hag and Slither all have debuffs that can be removed, making this skill very flexible.

Starting Items:

Runes of the Blight, Healing Potion, 2x Duck Boots, 2x Minor Totem

Don’t Stop Laning Until:

Ghost Marchers >> Soulscream Ring >> Soulscream Ring

Core (Build to your enemy heroes):
Nullfire Blade (Jeraziah, Hammerstorm, Pestilence, Hellbringer) >> Shrunken Head (Chain Stunners) >> Geometer’s Bane (If other situations are not in play.)


Roles: Hard-Carry
Prefered Lane: Short/Mid (vulnerable on long)


– Your goal is to farm lots of gold until you can form at least 2 Morph/Combatative items, then push your team to victory.
– If you’re getting ganked, tp top/bot and farm some more while buying another Homecoming Stone from the Outpost. If their team is pushing, let them 5v4 while you farm, if they’re getting a rax you have no choice but to tp back and help your allies.
– You should always prioritize last hitting over harassing.
– You need to be patient enough to not charge out at the enemy, and patient enough to sit in a lane for 20 minutes and not push it anywhere.

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