Pollywog Priest

Skill Build
1 – Tongue Tied
2 – Electric Jolt
3 – Electric Jolt
4 – Morph
5 – Electric Jolt
6 – Voodoo Wards
7 – Electric Jolt
8 – Tongue Tied / Morph
9 – Morph
10 – Morph
11 – Voodoo Wards
12 – Morph
13 – Tongue Tied
14 – Tongue Tied
15 – Stats
16 – Voodoo Wards
17 – Stats+
Justification / Modifications:
Electric Jolt is maxed out first and whenever possible because it’s Pollys only real damage spell it’s really great for harassing in a lane and farming creep waves, also great burst damage to help get those early kills. I like to deviate from maxing out Tongue Tie and go for Morph because you start to roam around alot more and start having some team fights when pushing towers, so having two disables up your sleave over just the Tongue is great, also, when most of your team is around level 8-10 their damage is pretty good also so the 0.75 seconds that you gain from one more level of Tongue Tie isn’t really needed as your team would probably kill the enemy in your Tongue in the 4 seconds, also getting getting Morph allows you not to rely on your Tongue being canceled by a stunner or a disable when you are in a fight.

Starting Items:
Monkey Courier or Wards, 1x Runes of the Blight, 1x Mana Potion, 2x Minor Totem, 1x Health Potion

Core Items:
Striders >> Bottle >> 2x Fortified Bracelet >> Wards of Sight

If you’re warding this just might be as far as you’ll get, which is fine.

After Core:
Staff of the Master >>  Kuldra’s Sheepstick

After Core is luxury, wards are priority!

– Storm Spirit: Eul’s was good back in DotA when you could upgrade it to Guinsoo’s. Now it’s very lackluster. If you want to Ward-Trap simply use Morph; there is no need for Storm Spirit in most of the cases!
– Puzzle Box: Becomes viable in high level play when the opposing team is (counter-) warding. Also nice synergy with your CCs (cast minions and shackle the enemy while they beat him up).

Roles: Babysitter, Disabler, Pusher, Ward hoe
Preferred Lane: Any, Mid Preferred

– If you are facing a double stun lane ask for a switch. It greatly reduces your effectiveness.
– Ward-Trapping: Cast Morph on an enemy, Place Voodoo Wards around him by targeting him with the Spell, if he is not completely surrounded use Magical Bindings to prevent him from escaping and finish with Jolt.
– You can Gank with Ward-Trapping from level 8 or 9 on (as soon as you get Morph). Don’t go gank alone, its much less effective. You are a strong counter-ganker.
– Always target their stunners/disablers with your magical binding. Otherwise they will interrupt it.


Kirei’s Take on Polly:

While laning with someone I don’t level Jolt at all. I go back and forth between morph and tongue tied then do stats. Doing this means an easy first blood as well as many more kills. It’s a pure support build. Early on 2 long disables in lane while babysitting a hero like Swiftblade is OP.

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