
Skill Build

1 – Mesmerize
2 -Heartache
3 – Heartache
4 – Stats
5 – Heartache
6 – Succubus’ Hold
7 – Heartache
8 – Stats
9 – Stats
10 – Stats
11 – Succubus’ Hold
12 – Smitten
13 – Smitten
14 – Smitten
15 – Smitten
16 – Succubus’ Hold
17 – Mesmerize
18 – Mesmerize
19 – Mesmerize
20 – Stats

Justification / Modifications:
Mesmerize is taken at level 1 because you need the skill in your arsenal throughout the game, and Heartache costs so much, and does such little damage at rank 1, that it is virtually never worth using at that stage. Heartache is then taken at every available level, as it is your main way to stay in your lane and deal damage to your opponent. Smitten is not taken till the 12-15 range, because it’s not until later on that Physical Carries become relevant, and shutting them down becomes important.
Because Mesmerize is not really being used to shut down at this point, it is more important (and even preferential) to have it at Rank 1 (4 Seconds) at this stage in the game, so maxing it out is not a priority. Also 1 extra second is not really worth giving up +2 Strength, +2 Agility and +2 Intelligence at this point in the game. It is maxed out later when it reaches the point where you want the target locked out for absolutely as long as possible; but this can be earlier than level 17 depending on your game.
As mentioned before, your skill build can vary as much as necessary. Smitten can be skipped entirely, Mesmerize can be maxed out sooner if you need some serious disables in the team, etc.

Lane Starting Items:
1x Runes of the Blight, 2x Mana Potion, 1x Mark of the Novice, 1x Crushing Claws, 2x Minor Totem

Bottle >> Striders >> Blood Chalice >> Puzzle Box

Striders is now an absolute necessity to Succubus. Blood Chalice allows you to use Heartache much more frequently, and the life you lose from the Chalice activation, is more than made up by Heartaches life gain.

After Core:

Wards of Sight >> Kuldra’s Sheepstick >> Shrunken Head >> Null Stone

Keep Warding, it’s your number one priority. In most games Sheepstick will be the next item for an additional disable. Puzzle Box has good synergy with your Skills (Mesmerize, get out minions, Hold, Manaburn, beat down with minions and finish with Heartache brings down most enemies 1on1). Shrunken to make sure you get your CC’s off.

If you really want more damage during your ulti get Puzzle Box, it does WAY more damage and has so many other uses too.

Roles: Ganker, Babysitter, Nuker, Disabler, Ward Hoe
Prefered Lane: Any

– Early on with Succubus, you are a ganker, that is your role. After level 6 use Homecoming Stones and move around behind the trees to setup kills.
– Not all Heroes (even not all physical carries) suffer the same from smitten. Its mostly the heroes that go for stats instead of pure damage. Here a list of heroes that suffer greatly from the spell and are your number one priority: The Dark Lady, The Madman, Arachna, Puppet Master, Hammerstorm, Maliken, Pestilence, Pandamonium, Nighthound.

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