
Skill Build

1 – Soulsteal / Demon Hand
2 – Demon Hand / Soulsteal
3 – Soulsteal / Demon Hand
4 – Demon Hand
5 – Demon Hand
6 – Soulsteal
7 – Demon Hand
8 – Soulsteal
9 – Soul Burst
10 – Stats
11 – Soul Burst
12 – Stats
13 -Stats
14 – Stats
15 – Stats
16 – Soul Burst
17 – Dread
18 – Dread
19 – Dread
20 – Dread
21 – Stats+

Soulsteal is almost always the first choice, but contrary to popular belief it’s not ALWAYS the first skill you will get. In high levels of play, most of the action starts before the creeps even spawn, when teams probe each other’s jungles in an attempt to ward the rune, pulls, and gain control of the first rune(which spawns when the clock stops ticking down and starts ticking up). Assuming the opportunity arises, you can more often than not skill Demon Hand over soulsteal to add that extra 225 magic damage during a gank at the rune. Now, I’m sure you’ve all noticed that the first four skills are pretty much up for grabs in terms of how you place them. Obviously, if you get Demon Hand first, you’re want soulsteal second, so you can start collecting souls.

Starting Items:
Runes of the Blight x1,  Duck Boots x2, Minor Totem x1, Health Potion x1, Mana Potion x1

Bottle >> Steamboots >> Portal Key >> Shrunken Head

Instead of Steamboots you can also get Post Haste. Portal Key can be replaced with Assassin’s Shroud depending on the game situation. (If you can’t reliably PK in). In 4 out of 5 games Shrunken Head will be core. Don’t be afraid to skip/delay it though if you don’t need it right away.

After Core:

Shield Breaker >> Wingbow >> Geometer’s Bane

– Use the courier often to refill your bottle and keep rune control without losing your farm.
– With the ability to two hit a creep wave for 150 mana, you can easily stop a push, however you are a very fragile hero and have to be careful to not get stunned or snared in the process.
– Ult is generally not a skill that is possible to be used pre 9, unless you aren’t levelling Demon Hand. The problem with not leveling Demon Hand is Demon Hand outdamages your level 1 ult in almost all circumstances.

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