
Skill Build
1 – Fissure
2 – Heavyweight
3 – Fissure
4 – Enrage
5 – Fissure
6 – Shockwave
7 – Fissure
8 – Heavyweight
9 – Heavyweight
10 – Heavyweight
11 – Shockwave
12 – Stats
13 – Stats
14 – Stats
15 – Stats
16 – Shockwave
17 – Stats+
23 – Enrage+
Justification / Modifications:
Enrage can be delayed to level 8, getting another early level of Heavyweight since a 0.3 seconds stun won’t do much (but a bit more damage on a close range fissure comes to effect rarely too). Either way it has almost zero impact.

Staring Items:
Runes of the Blight, Healing Potion, 2x Mana Potion, Pretender’s Crown, 2x Minor Totem (OR Logger’s Hatchet instead of Pretender’s + Totem)

Marchers >> Ring of Sorcery >> Portal Key >> 2x Fortified Bracelet

Get a Logger’s Hatchet if you can farm the lane (no use in getting one if you are forced to stay back and tower hug). Then get your Marchers ASAP! Behemoth is one of the very few heroes where even starting Marchers can be considered. The 50 movespee d help you so much in trapping enemies and punishing their mistakes.
After that get Ring of Sorcery or Bottle (matter of taste, i prefer ring). Portal Key is your obvious Goal for being the God of initiation you are. If you went for Ring grab a couple Bracers, otherwise get 2 Talisman of the Exile.

After core:
Ghost Marchers >> Wards of Sight >> Fostfield Plate >> Behemoth’s Heart

After your core you don’t need any more items. Use your gold to buy wards and to support your team. In case you have Gold left over build Frostfield Plate for additional AoE Rape and survivability.

Alternative Items:
– Puzzlebox: Since you don’t really need anything after the core you might as well get those for counter warding. The stats are actually pretty good but don’t expect too much synergy with your skills/role.

Roles: Initiator, Nuker, Roamer
Prefered Lane: Short
Difficulty: 4 – Hard (Feed warning for new players)
Farming capabilities: 3 – Medium
Item dependancy: 3 – Medium (Very Heavy until core, low afterwards)
– Early Game / Lane Control: 2 – Weak (Fissure can net kills if properly used)
– Mid Game / Ganks: 3 – Medium
– Late Game / Team Fights: 4 – Strong (Arguably the best initiator)

– Ganking WITH Portal Key: Wait for an opportunity, which in this case is if two or more enemy heroes are surrounded by creeps and within 560 distance of each other. Seize the moment by blinking in, and: Shockwave Autoattack Enrage Autoattack Fissure Autoattack– Ganking WITHOUT Portal Key: It’s all about positioning, Portal Key or not. Stay out of your opponent’s line of sight and fissure enemy heroes into a corner, or separate them so that your allies can more easily dispatch them. After the Fissure run up and Enrage Autoattack.
– Often times you will have to save your idiot partners from their own stupid mistakes. Generally I have managed to save them with a well-timed enrage, but every once in awhile when they really screw the pooch you’ve got to put a fissure between the bloodthirsty opponents and your lovable idiot.

– When pushing or defending, stay away from your creeps! Otherwise his initiation will be devastating.
– Try to spread out as much as you can so he doesn’t hit you all with his Shockwave.
– Closely watch Behemoth’s movement in the early game. Be very careful if he is trying to trap you with a fissure. This is very very deadly!
– Finally a Barrier Idol can be helpful counter.

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