
Skill Build

1 – Blade Frenzy
2 – Stats
3 – Blade Frenzy
4 – Stats
5 – Blade Frenzy
6 – Swift Slashes
7 – Blade Frenzy
8 – Way of the Sword
9 – Way of the Sword
10 – Way of the Sword
11 – Swift Slashes
12 – Way of the Sword
13 – Counter Attack
14 – Counter Attack
15 – Counter Attack
16 – Swift Slashes
17 – Counter Attack
18 – Stats+

Justification / Modifications:
The reason stats are taken at 2/4 is so that he can use a frenzy/slash combo at lvl 6 without having to wait for additional mana. Counter-attack is an alright skill, but stats work very nicely, and are more reliable. Unless you are facing a lot of autoattackers, get stats in favor of counter.

Start Items:
2x Runes of the Blight, Healing Potion, Logger’s Hatchet, 3x Minor Totem

Core Items:
Ghost Marchers >> Runed Axe >> Frostburn >> Abysmall Skull

Roles: Hard-Carry
Preferred Lane: Short/Long

– Swiftblade is a fairly strong laner. Coupled with a decent slow/stun, he can rack up kills in the early going. He has an amazing attack animation, so he’s very good at last hitting, but the Logger’s Hatchet makes him able to last hit almost every creep with ease.
– Run around ganking. Lead your team in ganks, go into forest to gank. Don’t overgank though, because if you gank too much the enemy team will ward up and stay sharp. Farm a bit, then go ganking. Make yourself unpredictable.
– In lane, you want to work towards your sustainer, as you should already have boots.
– Later in the game use Blade Frenzy like you would use a Shrunken Head. Thats pretty much what it is.

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