
Skill Build
1 – Call of Winter
2 – Piercing Shards
3 – Call of Winter
4 – Piercing Shards
5 – Call of Winter
6 – Avalance
7 – Call of Winter
8 – Piercing Shards
9 – Piercing Shards
10 – Stats
11 – Avalance
12 – Coldblooded
13 – Coldblooded
14 – Coldblooded
15 – Coldblooded
16 – Avalance
17 – Stats+
23 – Grapple+

Justification / Modifications:
Call of Winter at level one to scout runes/rune ganks.
Maxing Call of Winter before Shards when laning is better since you will get strong harass (Coeurl) and good Scouting (Shiver) in one spell while Shards only offer damage. You don’t have the mana to support Shards and Call.
If you are jungling, max shards first, followed by Call of Winter.

Lane Starting Items:
Runes of the Blight, Mana Potion, Bolstering Armband

Bottle >> Marchers >> Puzzlebox >> Post Haste

You are starting with a Bolstering Armband for extra HP/dmg and for a faster Puzzlebox. Your aim is to get Puzzlebox as fast as you can.
Bottle is required since Tundra is very mana hungry and your skills are very powerful. It is also a good ganking tool.
Once you got Puzzlebox Level 3 you should get Post Haste. The Aura from the Box + Post Haste allow you to chase/gank very effectively. Also your role towards the later stages of the game will shift from Ganker more to Pusher. Post Haste are the best pushing item.

After Core:
Daemonic Breastplate >> Kuldra’s Sheepstick

Everything here can be considered Luxury. Breastplate and Sheepstick are both semi-support items that offer a lot to the team which is a criteria you should have in mind playing Tundra.

Alternative Items:

Portal Key: Not having to waste 1+ seconds of Avalance stun when running at your target to beat on it can make the difference. Can also serve as semi-initiation. Get it after your core if you want one.


– When casting Call of Winter group yourself with the dog (Coeurl) and put the bird (Shiver) in another control group. Use Shiver to scout and Coeurl (+yourself) to harass.
– Either use Shiver at a rune spot as a mobile Ward or actively move him around to spot for ganks. Make use of the Patrol command.
– You maybe wanna share control over your hero to your allies so they can help you maintain good map control with Shiver. It is near impossible to always keep moving Shiver while playing your hero.
– It is important to cast Piercing Shards at max distance since this will increase the speed at which the Shards travel. The shorter the distance you cast them, the slower they travel and the higher is the chance you will miss. So cast them ahead/behind of the enemy hero.
– Avalance is considered one of the best ultimates in the game at level 6. It is best used in ganking, so gank a lot in early/mid game.
– To gank: Cast Call of Winter -> Avalance -> Puzzlebox -> attack with all units -> Manaburn with Puzzlebox -> Cast Piercing Shards at max distance.
– Later into the game you should switch to pushing mode and try to get towers down with all your pets. You can even suicide them into a tower to get a fair bit of damage done. Don’t push every lane all the time tho, your carries also want some safe farming.
– Tundra can jungle (or at least its dota counterpart can). I will try to record a short video or something of him jungling.

– Kill Shiver on sight to deny map control.
– If he uses Shards, move sidewards to only get hit by one Shard.
– Wards are the most important thing if you don’t want to get ganked into oblivion.
– Once he switches to Pushing Mode you should have people carrying TPs at all times.

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